
Explore baptism as part of a lifetime journey of faith

Baptism (also known as Christening) is where children or adult become members of the church.          Parents and godparents make promises on their behalf to bring them up as a Christian.

Baptisms at St Paul’s take place during the main Sunday service, usually in the all-age service.  If you are interested in a baptism for your child, please come along to a Sunday service where you can meet the Vicar and arrange an initial meeting to discuss what’s involved.

We are also happy to talk to you if you were not baptised as a child, but would like to be baptised as a sign of your faith in Christ.

Contact the Vicar about a Baptism

The Font at St Paul's

The font, carved from solid stone, is placed by the main door as a reminder that baptism is the sign of entry into Christian assembly.